Why MMA for the Street?
The primary purpose of this class is to provide the highest quality of functional self defense. Train for self defense the same way combat athletes train for their sport. This class uses multiple styles to create well-rounded martial arts that are prepared wherever the fight may go. The class is split into 3 parts: Technical Precision (live drilling), Fight Proficiency (safe and efficient sparring), and Power Generation (hitting focus mitts and thai pads).
Styles used in this class:
Muay Thai - The deadly art of 8 limbs. Muay Thai focuses on stand up striking and grappling otherwise referred to as kickboxing and clinch ranges. – Offering certification
Boxing - Based on the western sport of boxing, this style focuses on superior footwork, defenses, and attacking with the hands.
Brazilian Jiujitsu - This art uses the ground as a barrier to create superior leverage for position dominance and submission. Also, check out our Brazilian Jiujitsu For The Street classes! – Offering certification
Wrestling - This ancient sport holds the title of the oldest competitive pursuit. It involves using superior grips, throws, grappling escapes, and control positions.
Silat (For the Street) - This ancient Malaysian art separated into to two distinct branches ‘Penchak’ which means ‘Dance’ and ‘Silat’ or ‘Fight.’ Silat for the Street focuses on the latter, battle tested in the proving ground of sparring with full resistance. “All fight, no fluff!” – Offering certification
Battlefield Kali - A weapons-based art involving combat with a baton, knife, or sword. This art also involves empty versus these and various other weapons such as pistols and rifles. Also, check out our Battlefield Kali classes – Offering certification